Almost There!

Almost There!

Gianna Rispoli, School News Editor

The 100th day of school varies from district to district depending on days off, weather issues, and holidays. Remembering Kindergarten, the 100th Day of school was practically a holiday. With tons of activities leading up to the 100th day, the whole elementary school knew what was coming. The 100th day itself is a unique way to bring the students together. I specifically remember being asked to gather 100 of the same item and bring them into class. I quickly rushed home after given these instructions and prepared my 100 pennies. I brought them in and shared my coins with my classmates. “Oooos”  and “Ahhhs” came from my classmates. We all bragged about our small bags full of interesting 100 items. These events made everyone feel the true importance of the day. Teachers were given the opportunity to teach each student different mathematical concepts. Going through the process of counting out 100 of the same item, taught me to count efficiently. Other activities included making different crafts and filling in 100 piece puzzles. The 100th day of school was always a fun celebration.

Today, as current high schoolers the 100th day of school is unrecognized. Sadly, we no longer celebrate this “accomplishment.”

 The 100th day of school is a holiday worth celebrating, no matter how old we are! This year our 100th day of school falls in the middle of February. Although it will not be celebrated this year, we should all appreciate our educations and have a great rest of the school year!