Baby Project

Erin Polo


To most high schoolers, the idea of having a baby at this age seems absurd, however, to some, it does not. With that being said, to try and prevent teen pregnancy, the juniors and seniors of Whippany Park High School have been assigned “The Baby Project.” As part of this assignment every student must carry around a baby for a whole school week. There were multiple specific requirements for each baby. It had to be a stuffed animal or a doll, and whichever you choose, it had to be at least 12” in height but no more than 24.” The “baby” had to have a name and be appropriately dressed at all times. If there was any damage to your baby, you had to provide it with the proper care, otherwise points were deducted. If any staff or administration


members saw a baby left unattended or being mistreated they were supposed to report that student, in which their health teacher would deduct points off their assignment. The participating students had to carry around their babies throughout the whole school day, and if they had any after school activities or commitments, they had to find a reliable babysitter to care for their child while they were doing such activities. No babysitters were allowed during the school day but were allowed if the parent had to use the restroom in which they could ask a peer or teacher to watch over their child for that short period of time. If physical education teachers or coaches saw a baby locked up in a locker for “safekeeping,” the parent of that baby would be charged with child abuse and points would be deducted. If someone were to purposefully harm your child, both you and the perpetrator will lose points for the day that the baby is missing, as well as another days worth of points. If for any reason a student is absent during the five day school week of this assignment, they must make  up those days the following week, in which the same rules will apply. All in all, this week was a great learning experience for all high schoolers and allowed for us to catch a glimpse into how difficult being a parent truly is.

